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Solar trackers are vital to helping the industry compete in a post-ITC world.Quotes for large solar photovoltaic projects in sunny parts of the United States are coming in at an astounding 4.5 to 5.5 cents per kilowatt-hour. These projects enjoy economies-of-scale advantages comp...... [More]

Germany will install 2.8GW of new PV capacity in 2014, according to a new report by EuPD Research.According to EuPD there could be a year-on-year increase in systems under 10kW in size while the 73% decline in systems over 1MW is likly to continue in 2014.In 2012 Germany added...... [More]

US energy provider SolarCity has installed PV systems with a total capacity of 2.3MW at all 19 district schools and a district support centre which make up the Murrieta Valley Unified School District in California.All the PV systems were designed and installed by SolarCity and ...... [More]

A two-year European Commission-funded project has been launched to investigate ways of integrating more PV electricity into the European grid.The so-called PV Grid project is being led by a consortium of 20 members consisting of national PV associations, distribution system op...... [More]

About SolarStar

SolarStar has been concentrated in the photovoltaic field since 2008, supplying the latest news, business information, bbs, material downloading, and industry analysis for the photovoltaic professionals.

It is a photovoltaic business interactive platform with 200,000 members covering all of the related fields. So it is the most influential and most well-known network in the photovoltaic in China.





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